Hi Eden, Viviane comes across as smart and educated. Unfortunately that does not stop a person from acting like a jackass from time to time, and Viviane is no exception. Neither am I for that matter, and neither are you.
Without mentioning names, sometimes a time-to-time behavior becomes a modus operandi. Of course you know these things, and none of this is said to dissuade you from whatever you end up doing with your ability to participate here. I have no idea of the specific events you allude to and don't really care to know. My recommendation would be that you not let others decide how you're going to act, or when. If you feel like participating here do so. If otherwise then don't. In each case let it be on your terms and for your own reasons. When you happen to bump into an occasional or habitual jackass remember this: there is a reason they act like that, and often those reason are not very pretty.
As for Viviane, let him/her act as s/he wishes, and for his/her own reasons. Let readers decide what to make of it, which is how it should be and is for us all.
I don't recall whether you and I have ever swapped harsh words. Knowing my own ways, we probably have because I tend to be rather straightforward, and I'm no one's follower. If you decide not to participate I'll miss your contributions, and I'll miss that avatar of yours!